Monday - Sunday 12pm - 8pm (until further notice).

Pick Up

Check out the menu
Monday - Sunday 12pm - 7:45pm
You can order starting at 11:30am

Family Meals

Meals to feed either 2 or 4
Monday - Sunday 12pm - 7:45pm
Fully cooked all you’ll need to do is heat and serve.


Don’t want to venture out? Order and we will deliver.
Monday - Sunday 12pm - 7:45pm
Please allow a little extra time for us to get it to you.

Order Your Food Here

All orders will be prepared and packaged with special attention to the guidelines set fourth by the CDC.
Cut off for pick up orders will be 7:45pm

There’s a lot of craziness going on at the moment. As a result, we’ve had to make a few changes on how we do business. As I’m sure you all know our employees make their living by guests coming in and eating so we’ve been working on a few ideas to continue feeding our valued guests while providing an income to those employees who have bills to pay and mouths to feed.

Let me very clear that we are NOT doing this recklessly. We will NEVER let an employee work if they are sick or even appear sick. We will also continue following the high standards that we’ve set for ourself in maintaining a clean and safe restaurant. At any time we feel the health of our staff and guests are at risk we will alter our current plan.

Please at any time feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Stay Safe, Tony & Jennifer